Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Magazine Questionnaire Results Analysis

Magazine Questionnaire Results Analysis

I gave out the magazine questionnaire to a random group of people. I used a range of open and closed questions to gather my results so that they had the opportunity to add their own answers if the answers given were not what they would choose. At the end of my questionnaire I wrote a debrief to allow them withdraw their results if they didn't wish for me to keep hold of them. Here are my results from the study.

5/5 of the people I gave the questionnaire to have in the past or currently do read magazines.

Only 1/5 of the people I gave the questionnaires to no longer reads magazines due to them being too expensive.

Here is a tally of each of the types of magazine that people enjoy reading.



Fashion and music, as can be seen in the results above, were two most popular, with film and design being the least popular.

4/5 of the people I gave the questionnaire continue to read their chosen magazines.

Only 1/5 of the people I gave the questionnaires to no longer reads magazines due to them being too expensive. I will bear this in mind when deciding how to price my own magazine.

Kerrang was the most popular magazines mentioned by 2/5 of the participants. The general popular choice for magazines was music, including NME, Sight & Sound, MOJO and Kerrang. However, Gossip the evidence I found suggests that gossip magazines are very popular to, as shown on the table below.

Take a Break
Pick Me Up
Sight & Sound
Ride UK
Four Four Two
Little White Lies


Here is a tally of the different reasons why people are more likely to buy a magazine.

Not too expensive
Interest in what the issue is about
Eye catching front cover
Interest in that magazine


These results show that one of the main reasons that people will buy a magazine is because of an eye catching front cover, 4/5 of participants selected this as a factor that encourages them to purchase a magazine. Two other important factors are that there is an interest in what the issue is about, this could link to the eye catching front cover as people will notice the name of bands, brands or celebrities that are interested in, on a front cover. The two least chosen were the offers available (including posters, gifts, freebies, vouchers etc.) and a general interest in the actual magazine.

I will use this information that I have gathered, along with the information from my interviews, to help make my punk rock magazine appealing to its target audiences, focusing on the importance of the front cover to the buyer.

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