Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Magazine Questionnaire Updated

Magazines Questionnaire-

Please tick beside the answer(s) that apply to you. Write your own answers when a dotted line is shown.

Which of these age ranges do you fit under?

·          15 years or younger

·          16 years old
      ·          17 years old

·          18 years old

·          19 years old

·          20 years or older

2. Do you currently, or have you in the past, read a magazine(s)?

·      Yes

·      No

3. If your answer to question 2 is yes, what type of magazine(s) have you read. Or, if your answer to question 2 is no, what type of magazine(s) would you choose to read?

·      Gossip

·      Fashion

·      Music

·      Sport

·      Other (please state here) à ..........................................................

4. If your answer to question 3 is yes, please state the name of this/these magazines. Or, if your answer to question 3 is no, please state the name of a magazine you would choose to read.


If your answer to question 2 is no, please skip to question 6.

5. Do you continue to read this/these magazines?

·      Yes

·      No

If your answer to this question is yes, please skip to question 7.

6. If your answer to question 2 or 5 is no, why do you no longer, or why do you not read this/these magazine(s)?

·      Too expensive

·      Boring

·      Each issue is too similar

·      Badly made

·      Other (please state here) à ...............................................................

7. What would encourage you to buy a magazine?

·      Offers (posters, gifts, freebies, vouchers, etc.) that are available

·      Not too expensive

·      Interest in what the issue is about

·      Eye catching front cover

·      Interest in that magazine

·      Other (please state here) à ..........................................................

Thank you for completing this questionnaire, your results shall be kept anonymous but the data that has been collected will be used in my coursework to help me create an ideal and appealing magazine. If you wish to withdraw your results, please contact me via e-mail: lily_valentine_saunders@yahoo.co.uk

Thanks again.

Lily Saunders

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